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Countryview Authentic Australian Labradoodles


Puppy Reservation Application

Every prospective puppy customer is asked to complete this questionnaire honestly. We use this to match the best possible puppy with you and your family.

Please complete and email to
Once you have been accepted, please submit your $750.00 deposit, you also may send a personal check.  



City:__________________________ State:_______ Zip:_____________

Phone:__________________________ Cell_______________________

Email: _____________________________________________________

Are you interested in a specific litter?  No____ If yes, which one_______________

Gender:  Male_______Female______ No Preference_______

Color: ____________________________

Size:   Mini 20-25lb______  Med 25-40lb______  Standard 40lbs and over______

What physical characteristic of the Labradoodle are most important to you?


What personality traits are most important?


Tell me about your family..


What activities do you enjoy?


What is your plan for day to day care of your new puppy?


How did you hear about us?
____ Surfing the web

____ Referral  (who?  ______________________________________)

Signature_____________________________________ Date______________________

Signature_____________________________________ Date_____________________